


We believe that cowardice is to blame for the world’s injustices. We believe that peace is hard-won, that sometimes it is necessary to fight for peace. But more than that:
We believe that justice is more important than peace.
We believe in freedom from fear, in denying fear the power to influence our decisions.
We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.
We believe in acknowledging fear and the extent to which it rules us.
We believe in facing that fear no matter what the cost to our comfort, our happiness, or even our sanity.
We believe in shouting for those who can only whisper, in defending those who cannot defend themselves.
We believe, not just in bold words but in bold deeds to match them.
We believe that pain and death are better than cowardice and inaction because
We believe in action. We do not believe in living comfortable lives.
We do not believe that silence is useful.
We do not believe in good manners.
We do not believe in empty heads, empty mouths, or empty hands.
We do not believe that learning to master violence encourages unnecessary violence.
We do not believe that we should be allowed to stand idly by.
We do not believe that any other virtue is more important than bravery.


Dauntless values bravery above all else. They believe that cowardice is the cause of the worlds issues. If you aren't willing to jump off of a moving train or a 7 story building, this faction probably isn't for you.


Dauntless has a very flexible dress code. All you have to do is wear black. You can have your hair anyway you want, short, long, blue or any other color. You can have as many tattoos and piercings you please. It is pretty much a free-for-all faction.


Dauntless are usually in charge of the security and safety of the city. They are typically guards, some work with security systems, and the others can be tattoo artists, shop owners, Dauntless leaders, initiate trainers, and many more from a wide range of career options.

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