Monday, May 20, 2013

Chapters 7-9

As soon as the initiates jump off the roof they are split off into 2 groups, Dauntless born and Transfers. Tris, who is a transfer, meets her instructor, who also helped her off the net, Four. Four is described as mysterious with short dark hair and deep blue eyes :) They are shown the Pit, where they will spend their leisure time, which also has a deep rocky chasm (Yikes) with a rapid river at the bottom of it (Double Yikes!). Aparently, every year, there is at least one initiate who ends up at the bottom of the chasm (Why?). The chasm has an important meaning.

"The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" Four shout. "A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life. It has happened before and it will happen again. You've been warned."

It is calm to the left and white and rapid to the right, battling with rocks. It is dangerous and deadly (Jumping into the chasm would definately be considered idiocy, why would you want to do that just to prove that you're brave?). But other than the chasm, there are also shops and a tattoo parlor in the Pit.

As the initiates enter the dinning area, they are met with applause, shouts, and a lot of noise (Extremely different from Abnegation). When Tris sits down, she sees a platter of round pieces of meat between bread (Hamburgers, yum). What Christina finds hilarious, and I must agree, is that Tris has no idea what hamburgers or ketchup are (haha) because she is from Abnegation and they eat plain food. What Tris enjoys is that she is able to openly joke and use sarcasm.

Then in walks Eric, and 18 year old Dauntless leader (he's so young!) with long, greasy black hair and multiple facial piercings. The biggest lesson that they learn in this chapter is that "Age doesn't matter here." 
What is learned about Four is that he doesn't want to be a leader, he doesn't want the power that comes with it. Tris believes that "those who want power and get it live in terror of losing it. That's why we have to give power to those who do not want it."

Later that night, when they are taken to the dormitory, Eric anounces that only 10 of the initiates, Dauntless born and transfers, will make it through initiation and become Dauntless (OMG, I would be thinking that I made a mistake choosing Dauntless. Why can only 10 initiates become Dauntless?).

Finally, Training time! The first thing to learn is shooting a gun (I have never shot a gun in my life!). Aparently there are 3 stages to initiation, physical, emotional, and mental. What I find funny is that Peter is practically half asleep when Four is handing out the guns. Four takes the gun, clicks a bullet into the chamber, and holds it to Peters head (haha, he totally deserves that!). Tris can't hit the target so Will tells her that she should have hit the target at least once, then Tris (who is a little POed about Will's comment) shoots and hit the target (finally) and Will says "So you see, I'm right. The stats don't lie" (know-it-all), this makes Tris smile (I see the beginning of a friendship forming!).

After lunch it is time for physical training, and yes, that means fighting (time for some action!). Tris really doesn't have much muscle, she can barely move the punching bag! She will have to use her knees and elbows for the best impact. Four puts his hand on her stomach, telling her where to hold her muscles tight and she practically hypervenalates (sounds like someone has a crush :)

That night, Tris, along with her new friends, go down to the pit. Christina has a blast dressing Tris up, it's like she's a giant doll. Tris finds that with different clothes and a little bit of make up, she can be striking and memorable (she's finally out of the boring Abnegation clothes). And at the tattoo parlor Tris runs into, out of all people, Tori, the woman who told her about being Divergent (to bad Tris doesn't get any clarification about Divergence). Tori absolutely refused to talk about Divergence, but Tris does get a cool new tattoo, 3 flying birds on her collarbone, leading to her heart. "One for each member of the family I left behind." (aaww, what a sweat way to remember them! <3).

The next morning, with some extremely sore muscles (I know the feeling, and trust me, it is not fun), is when the fighting begins. Tris doesn't have anyone to fight, so instead, she watches as people get beat to a pulp. Al and Will have to fight each other and Al wins, Will gets knocked out (Yikes, who would want to fight, especially if you can get knocked unconscious).

What I find interesting are the 2 different definitions of bravery.
Four: : "A brave man acknowledges the strength of others."
Eric: "A brave man never surrenders"
These are completely different sides of one word. I have to agree with Four's definition. There is no bravery is fighting a battle that you can't win, some may even consider it stupidity. To be brave, you must be willing to take a stand for what you believe in, but you also need to realize when you are beat.

Christina has to fight against Molly (a.k.a. The Tank). Christina gets a few good punches in (You Go Girl!) but otherwise she is getting horribly beat up (Ouch). She tries to surrender, but Eric, being as cruel and cold as he is, makes her hang from the railing over the chasm for 5 minutes (what a jerk, he seams intent on destroying as many people as possible). She comes so close to falling, but she survives (Yay!).

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